Feedback during Work Placement: How to Professionalize Work Placement Mentors?

The work placement is a very important component of workplace learning (= experiential learning in professional practice). To achieve optimal workplace learning, a high-quality environment with professional supervision of the work placement is necessary. This professional supervision is provided on the one hand by the institution that 'sends out' students, more specifically by the lecturer-in-charge, the work placement co-ordinator and work placement supervisors, and on the other hand by the work placement mentors of the host company or organization. 

Feedback is an important aspect of professional supervision. This means that the trainee receives sufficient (interim) feedback so that they can steer the learning process and reflect on their own performance in an independent and critical manner. During the work placement itself, this feedback is mainly given by the work placement mentor. That is why it is important that there are professional development initiatives for work placement mentors on the topic of feedback. 

Professional development initiatives for work placement mentors on the topic of feedback is possible via: 

  1. the learning path "Feedback during Internships: the Role of the Workplacement Mentor" (in Dutch)
  2. self-study via an interactive pdf (in Dutch)
  3. a presentation that you can adjust yourself if necessary (in Dutch).

Below you will find more information about the different formats.

Learning Path "Feedback during Internships: the Role of the Workplacement Mentor"

Inform the internship mentors through the learning path "Feedback During Internships: The Role of the Workplacement Mentor". This learning path provides mentors with insight into the entire internship process, explains what feedback is and when it is effective. Additionally, it teaches them how to conduct a good feedback conversation.

Self-study via an interactive pdf

The e-learning module aims to inform work placement mentors actively about feedback. What is Ghent University's vision on feedback? Why is feedback important? What are the characteristics of feed-up, feedback and feed-forward? The module also provides some techniques for holding a feedback conversation, namely the Pendelton Rules, the 4G model and the bad-news conversation. Finally, the module provides specific tips to activate students in the feedback process. 

A Presentation 

As a study programme, invite all work placement mentors to a general meeting where you explain what the expectations are in terms of supervision and assessment. You can also discuss the assessment process and the practical organization of the work placement. Such a meeting can also be the perfect occasion to provide professional development initiatives for work placement mentors on the topic of work placement supervision and coaching skills (e.g. giving feedback to, motivating and assessing trainees). Want to make the most of the meeting? Then make it both a formal quality assurance moment for the internship process and an informal networking moment. UGent provides a presentation that you can use in its entirety or adapt to your own needs.


UGent Practices

Last modified Jan. 23, 2025, 10:20 a.m.